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Market-Driven Evolution of Gas Processing Technologies for NGLs "Natural gas liquids (NGLs) are liquid hydrocarbons that are recovered from natural gases in gas processing plants, and in some cases, from field processing facilities. They include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes and heavier components. These hydrocarbons exist as gases in the ..." [more...]


Cryogenic or Absorption? When to Use Which for Processing Natural Gas "Ever since the discovery of natural gas and recognition of its use as a desirable fuel, the need for its transportation to markets has led to the development of treating and processing technologies. Worldwide, the gas processing industry meets a wide variety of economic and recovery ..." [more...]


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Advanced Extraction Technologies, Inc.        2 Northpoint Drive, Suite 820
Houston, Texas 77060-3237 USA               Phone: (281) 447-0571
(281) 447-5601    E-mail: seekinfo@aet.com